Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Campaign Trail

After reviewing the videos posted. I felt that the first commercial was quite funny, it was a commercial that would make people laugh, and it wanted viewers to remember the name of the company who made up this commercial which was the beer brand Budweiser. That being said, the newer commercial made in 2008 by now president-elect Barack Obama Campaign was quite interesting for it covered the main struggling points of the United States, and indicated the main problems starting with the first guy in the first video he was enjoying a football game and drinking his beer but in Obama's Campaign Video he's unemployed and is I believe looking for a job at the Classified section of his newspaper, depressed he answers the call from his friend in Iraq, the second guy is serving in the war in Iraq, so therefore the second issue is about War and how the US is still in Iraq. Another guy walks in with casts on, asking for painkillers. This means that he cannot afford to buy it, health care is the issue covered. In the US you have to pay for your own health care, which is quite a hefty sum. The fourth character called "Dukie" is called upon, he is still on Internet looking at his stocks, as he looks at them he can see a huge drop as the red arrows are point down, this means the Economy is another issue. The last character enters in the background you can see him struggling to hang on with the huge gusts of wind pulling him off the ground. This means that there are Environmental issues.

In my opinion I felt it must have took the campaign quite a long time to think about this very interesting commercial, they must have reviewed many commercials and tried to incorporate fresh idea in a newer commercial. Characters in the second one look as they were the same, their clothing were different; they made small adjustments such as the different number on the jersey etc. The characters didn't look like they were as happy as they were in the Budweiser commercial.

If I were able to vote, I would vote for the Democratic Candidate and now President-Elect Barack Obama. He won lots of people’s vote, the young and the old by signalling that there shall be change when he gets elected, but from I personally feel, all professional politicians all say they will do this and do that (but they don’t really do exactly as they once said) when they get voted in, but we will have to see if Barack Obama keeps his word. But seriously I personally don’t care whoever gets voted in as the US president. I would actually be interested in seeing Hilary Clinton on becoming the first female president, wouldn’t that be something. But then again I am probably more concerned about the federal government in Canada or perhaps the Liberal Convention to determine a replacement for Current Opposition Stephane Dion. I have also notice that there is more concern over the US president election compared to the Canadian Federal Elections; remember that you are in Canada not the US. Let me remind you our current Prime Minister is Stephen Harper not Barack Obama. I am happy for Obama and in the end I congratulate Barack Obama on becoming the first African American President of the United States. Mission Accomplished Obama!!


Mary-Lynn said...

Interesting and thoughtful comments, Adrian. Thank you.

Michael Chen said...

I thought the person hanging off to the side was about Hurricane Katrina and global warming. Along the lines, I suppose. YAY OBAMA, and I agree I'd like to see Hillary Clinton become the first female president.