Monday, June 8, 2009

Eccentrick Art Show 09

Unfortunately this year, I didn’t attend the art show but I did help in some way, as I helped clean up the media area. It was a lot of hard work! But it was worth a unit that was worth it. We had alot to clean up as there was work that had to be taken done the next day after the art ended but it worked out well, as we worked in small groups we would then be assigned areas to help out. At first it seemed like a big mess in the area as lots of people were in the same area cleaning different things. Before we tore down the collages of ourselves off the wall we looked other people’s work and told each other what they felt about it etc. We saw how our fellow students did their assignments using various programs such as illustrator as it was very well done.

The hardest part of the clean up was after lunch as we finished with the media clean up, we had to help the design art side bring back their chairs and other tables. That took a lot of man power as we had walk more than 10 times to the corner of the school to bring back heavy tables in pairs as it couldn’t be possible for one person to do it on their own.
My personal thoughts on the art show this year, it was quite “eccentrick” as it was completely different from last year. Being a sophomore at this school gives us to right to evaluate and compare last’s years to this year’s art show. This year they had “David” as their main symbol as they would do variations of David on the posters and shirts that they we selling. They even got to paint the wall on the stairs leading to the art area. That was very cool.

Everything and Nobody's Happy

Everything and Nobody’s Happy?
How can that be? Well after watching that tremendously hilarious short clip of Conan O’Brien with guest Louis C.K. He talked about how technology was back then was and how it is today and people aren’t appreciating what we have today. Cell phones, computers, all these tools are great. But do we ever think that technology is making use more useless? Like C.K said we’re complaining on how long it takes to call someone. People don’t give the device time to serve its purpose. I mean why bother to use something if you want to complain every time?

We should really be happy for what we have; people should think that they are really lucky to be born in a society in which everything is made simple. Airplanes have internet access? Well now it does, flights back then boring as they don’t even have a single projector or television screen anywhere near the seats. I’m already happy that we have a TV screen in front of me on a long distance flight. Internet access is basically a bonus (well I do think that the airlines charges you, not too sure)

Imagine you’re one of those unlucky kids in those third world countries. Everyday they are fighting just to survive while we just complain and complain some more to your parents that you “Nick has this and Jessica has that” you should be thinking you’re extremely lucky to be born on this side of the earth. I’m pretty sure that if we put those spoil brats on the other side of the earth where all the third world children are, they will realize that they got it easy, as I believe they wouldn’t last long living in poverty.